
Preview: Bailey Family

The Baileys are the kind of family that make photo shoots fun.  They choose both location and color palettes carefully, they bring lots of fun things to play with (for both me and the kids), they are always overflowing with smiles and laughter, and most of all, they anticipate the session together as a family.  Together, they look forward to it, count down to it, and even celebrate it each year with a fun little shopping outing afterwards that the kids love.  

This year they upped their game even more:  A full tea party complete with hot chocolate, marshmallows and chocolate chip heart-shaped muffins.  Needless to say, I have now put MYSELF on a "how many days until next year's Bailey shoot" countdown.  

Enjoy your previews, beautiful Bailey family!  


Help! Matilda Jane Options

It's Matilda Jane Photo Love time again... but this year, Miss Violet has earned her modeling stripes and will be my model.  She did a brilliant job at our quick shoot in the desert, and now I need some input on which photo to use for our level 1 submission.

I have a few favorites, but I'm curious (as always) to hear feedback.  And as far as I understand it, the goal for this submission is more along the lines of "evoking emotion" than showcasing the outfit.  These aren't edited in detail yet, just FYI.

Now... help me pick!





(And to be a bit more difficult... I still don't do blog comments, 
so leave me a note on facebook: http://www.facebook.com/carriefayphotography
 or email: carriefayphotography@yahoo.com) 


Kami + Adam = Married (Again!)

Kami and Adam are brilliant.  They snuck away a few months ago to a beach in California and got married with just a handful of family members.  THEN they threw a big old wedding a few months later for the rest of us.  Best of both worlds!  Enjoy these previews, Donohues!!