I haven't been posting all my sessions on the blog for a few years... time is a thief! But some do require a pause in order to share some profound beauty. Viv and her daughter, M, have been friends of ours for years. Vibrant souls who work and play hard and form meaningful relationships with all people in their paths. So when Viv said she had finally met someone she'd consider marrying... we all assumed no one could possibly shine as brightly or earn a place in her solar system.
We were wrong.
Nati is every ounce as vibrant and welcoming and warm and full of love as is Viv. A beautiful match of souls that unites countries, cultures, families, business ventures, art itself...
It was an honor to document this first of two weddings (next up: Ethiopia in May!) and to capture a bit of the sheet loveliness of the evening. Thank you, Viv and Nati, for entrusting me with the magic!